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Ceramic ball fillers are widely used in various industries

Add time:2023-11-15 15:46:00   Number of views:821  

Ceramic balls are divided into two types: filling ceramic balls and grinding ceramic balls. Filler ceramic balls are widely used in industries such as petroleum, chemical, fertilizer, natural gas, and environmental protection, as cover and support materials for catalysts in reactors and tower fillers. It has the characteristics of high temperature and pressure resistance, low water absorption, and stable chemical properties. Can withstand corrosion from acids, alkalis, and other organic solvents, and can withstand temperature changes that occur during the production process.

Also known as inert alumina ceramic balls, filler type ceramic balls are widely used in industries such as petroleum, chemical, fertilizer, natural gas, and environmental protection. They are used as cover and support materials for catalysts in reactors and tower fillers. The main function of filler type ceramic balls is to increase the distribution points of gas or liquid, support and protect active catalysts with low strength. According to the different AL2O3 content of inert alumina ceramic balls, filler type ceramic balls are divided into: ordinary ceramic balls, inert alumina ceramic balls, medium aluminum ceramic balls, high aluminum ceramic balls, active ceramic balls, microporous ceramic balls, and thermal storage ceramic balls.

Grinding ceramic balls are grinding bodies used for fine grinding equipment such as ball mills, can mills, and vibration mills. Grinding ceramic balls have advantages such as high hardness, high bulk density, and corrosion resistance. Their crushing efficiency and wear resistance are greatly superior to ordinary balls or natural pebbles, and are widely used in industries such as ceramics, glass, enamel, pigments, and chemical engineering.

Inert ceramic balls are widely used in industries such as petroleum, chemical, fertilizer, natural gas, and environmental protection, as cover and support materials for catalysts in reactors and tower fillers. Inert ceramic balls have the characteristics of high temperature and pressure resistance, low water absorption, and stable chemical properties. Can withstand corrosion from acids, alkalis, and other organic solvents, and can withstand temperature changes that occur during the production process. The main function of inert ceramic balls is to increase the distribution point of gas or liquid, support and protect active catalysts with low strength.


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