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How to delay the service life of regular fillers after loading

Add time:2023-11-15 15:17:42   Number of views:564  

In the field of chemical engineering, fillers refer to inert solid materials installed in packing towers, such as Bauer rings, Lacy rings, etc. Their function is to increase the gas-liquid contact surface and mix them with each other. Also known as fillers, they refer to solid materials that improve processing performance, product mechanical properties, and/or reduce costs.

During long-term use of structured packing equipment, air will enter the tower body, and the water in the air is easily neutralized with the acid foam in the wire mesh to form sweet and sour. Because metal wire mesh is usually not resistant to dilute acids, it is necessary to take the opportunity to remove the structured packing for maintenance.

The maintenance method for regular fillers is to rinse with clean water, but it should be noted that in order to avoid the influence of dilute acid on the demister mesh, the washed regular filler mesh block must be dried (in natural conditions, it can also be dried). Before startup, it will be added to the tower for use. In the production of sports enterprises, it can replace constant inductance and adjustable new structured fillers.


0086-18932656427(Manager Zhao)

0086-15003126399(Manager Guo)

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